Minecraft Village Guide – How to Find Them and Make Your Own

What are Minecraft villages? During your survival experience in Minecraft, villages are one of the finest resources you may have. They can help you stock up on supplies at the beginning of the game and can be beneficial for trading for rarer goods as you continue.

It is possible to find villages throughout the majority of Minecraft’s biomes. These villages include a variety of chests and other valuable things that may be looted to assist you on your journey.

Some examples of these items include blast furnaces, crafting tables, and armour. In one of the finest personal computer games ever created, your chances of surviving in Minecraft are significantly improved if you find a settlement as soon as possible after entering the overworld for the first time.

This article will provide information on Minecraft villages, villager dwellings, loot, breeding villagers, and constructing a custom town.

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There is a snowy taiga town in Minecraft, and a farmer villager and an iron golem are strolling about the meeting place.

Minecraft village finder

This includes the Minecraft village finder that can be found at Chunk Base, one of the internet tools that may be used to locate villages. Nevertheless, you must be familiar with your Minecraft seed to utilise Chunk Base finders. However, as it is not too difficult to identify them without resorting to cheating, you need not be concerned if you choose to go it alone.

Similarly, if you are playing with Minecraft console commands turned on, you can locate a Minecraft village by typing “/locate village” in Bedrock edition or “/locate structure” followed by the village type, for example, “Minecraft:village_snowy”, which you can either enter manually or select from a list.

The following types of biomes are where settlements in Minecraft may be found naturally:

  • Plains
  • Meadow
  • Savanna
  • Snowy Plains
  • Taiga
  • Snowy Taiga‌ (Bedrock edition)
  • Sunflower Plains‌ (Bedrock edition)

They can appear relatively close to one another, even though their creation is random, and they may appear seldom. The best methods to locate a settlement are to keep an eye out for structures in the distance or, if you are well equipped, to go on an expedition at night when the lights of a village may be seen from a more considerable distance.

Increasing your render distance as far as possible without negatively impacting performance might be beneficial. In any other case, you should go about your business and travel wherever your heart takes you. You will come across a village at some point, particularly considering that towns are among the most typical buildings in the adventure game.

Minecraft village houses and loot

Minecraft village characteristics, like everything else in this sandbox game, are generated randomly, and the number of structures and types of buildings included inside the village might vary. It is thus possible to locate a hamlet with no armourer, just as it is possible to find a community with multiple armourers.

Minecraft villager houses:

  1. Armorer house
  2. Butcher shop
  3. Cartographer house
  4. Fisher cottage
  5. Fletcher house
  6. Mason house
  7. Shepherd house
  8. Tannery (Leatherworker)
  9. Temple (Cleric)
  10. Toolsmith
  11. Weaponsmith

Each of these different kinds of Minecraft villager houses comes with its unique treasure, including the occupation block itself, boxes, and other essential items. Each of the homes above has the potential to house a chest, and each compartment can potentially contain a different kind of treasure. For instance, a cartography chest may include a compass, while a Fletcher chest might have arrows. A few of them could even have diamonds or emeralds in them.

All the villages also have farms, where you may collect various commodities such as food, candles, beds, and other essential things. You are sure to discover an outdoor armoury in a taiga town. This armoury will have two Minecraft armour stands, an iron helmet, and an iron chest plate.

Minecraft village trading

Every town in Minecraft, except abandoned villages (more on this later), will have inhabitants. You may engage with these villagers to trade products with them. When playing the Bedrock version, there is an added possibility that a roaming merchant may appear at the primary gathering place of the hamlet.

The trading interface will emerge when you right-click on these friendly Minecraft creatures to trade with them. At first, it will only display the first two deals. As you engage in transactions with a villager, other businesses will become available.

A comprehensive list of villagers’ trades can be found on the Minecraft wiki; however, similar to chest treasure, these trades depend on the villagers’ professions. For example, a butcher will sell meat, but a weaponsmith will offer weapons.

Two types of trades are much more valuable than others: librarian deals, mostly comprised of magical books, and cartographer trades, which allow you to get a map of either Woodland Mansion or Ocean Monument.

In addition, the Fletcher is a very helpful villager since the stick trade provides a low-cost method of cultivating emeralds inside the town.

Minecraft villager profession blocks

One of the following blocks must be placed to provide a villager with a profession. Their ability to reach the block, the fact that they are not a Nitwit variation, and the fact that they do not already have a job are all requirements for the new profession. Additionally, if you have not previously traded with a villager, you can remove their job block, allowing you to remove their occupation.

Therefore, if you set a work block and do not like the initial trades that are given, you should refrain from trading, break the league, and replace it. This will cause the businesses that the villager has available to be refreshed. If you are working with the librarian, this is helpful.

  • Armorer: Blast Furnace
  • Butcher: Smoker
  • Cartographer: Cartography Table
  • Cleric: Brewing Stand
  • Farmer: Composter
  • Fisherman: Barrel
  • Fletcher: Fletching Table
  • Leatherworker: Cauldron
  • Librarian: Lectern
  • Stone Mason: Stonecutter
  • Shepherd: Loom
  • Toolsmith: Smithing Table
  • Weaponsmith: Grindstone

Can I start a village in Minecraft?

Rather than modifying an already existing Minecraft settlement, you have the option of constructing your very own. As you may have anticipated, building some structures is the first thing to be done.

A minimum of one tiny home with a single bed is required to house your first villager. A mattress that is accessible and has at least two vacant blocks above it (so a total of four blocks; see the image above) is sufficient for villagers to contemplate constructing their new house. However, you can design these new homes as extravagant or simple as you want. Villagers are not fussy.

Considering Minecraft people cannot defend themselves, it is wise to construct a defensive structure around the structures inside the town.

This is of utmost importance when making a considerable village since there is a greater likelihood that zombies will attack the town’s inhabitants. A timber barrier is sufficient to prevent your hamlet from being invaded by hostile mobs.

Before beginning construction, it is strongly suggested that you first establish a town layout using blocks or wooden signs. This is related to the previous matter.

You will be able to get a clear picture of how much work it will take to construct something like a town wall, for example, and this will enable you to adjust your designs if required.

And though it may not seem like a priority right now, you should set aside some area for your house, a central square, and some agricultural plots you will build later.

How to populate a Minecraft village

In order to locate at least two fortunate victims and bring them back with you, you will need to go out and find them. Villagers will not just appear in your town. Getting this done may be done in two different ways:

  • Stop by a pre-existing village and abduct a resident of that community.
  • You must locate a zombie villager, then you must bring them to your community and treat them.

Regarding the transportation of locals, the most well-known technique is the so-called “boat kidnap.” A villager should be pushed onto a boat that has been positioned as near to the hamlet as feasible.

This is a very straightforward method. They can’t go out on their own. It is only possible to transfer one villager at a time using this method, which means you will need to repeat the process once more to allow breeding (more on that will be discussed later).

Putting a lead on the boat and dragging it back to your settlement over land is another option if you are using the Bedrock version of Minecraft.

Use of a minecart is another option available to you. The mode of transportation itself will be more suitable than travelling by boat, but you will be required to construct a minecart route that connects back to your hamlet.

This choice depends on whether you want to visit the current town more often or if you will be confronted with challenging terrain.

Even though zombie villagers are uncommon, treating zombies is likely the most straightforward approach since these mobs will always follow you.

To transform them into regular villagers, you must bring them back to your village, apply the weakness effect to them (weakness potions will do the trick), and then give them a golden apple to eat.

Because the zombie villagers will perish if they are exposed to sunlight, you should try to begin this procedure as soon as it becomes dark or construct some cover along the road.

How to breed villagers

Fewer than two people may be considered a village. You need to supply more beds (one for each infant villager predicted to be born) and a large quantity of food to breed more villagers.

You can establish a genuine “villager breeder” or allow them to do their business. Regardless of the circumstances, a villager must be provided with at least twelve potatoes, carrots, or beetroots to be willing to breed. Alternatively, three slices of bread will do the trick.

You can physically deliver this meal to a villager by dropping it close to them, or you can do an automated procedure by using a Minecraft farm and farmers. The ability of a villager to have offspring is directly proportional to the amount of food they have in their inventory.

Regarding employment, it is essential to remember that adult villagers can claim workstations. The placementFor instance, the placement of a smithing bench can transform a villager into a toolsmith.

Since farmers are the ones who will be collecting food, it is suggested that they be hired first (by setting up a composter workstation). In turn, this will assist you in breeding a more significant number of villagers.

Minecraft zombie villages

There is a 2% possibility that every Minecraft town will generate a zombie village or an abandoned village while you play the game. Some of the blocks in these uncommon towns will have cobwebs put on them, the cobblestone will be changed with mossy cobblestone, and the windows will have brown glass panes.

Additionally, these villages will not have doors or candles when they are created. The town may be vacant, but any inhabitants who make it there will become zombie villagers. This only applies to the settlement itself.

Minecraft village raids

You should be aware of the following: if you visit a Minecraft town while you are suffering from the Bad Omen status effect, you have the potential to trigger a raid that takes place in that village.

It is possible to get this effect by killing a raid captain, which may appear amid Illagers. However, it is simple to eliminate this effect by consuming milk or by waiting for it to wear off gradually.

You can maintain the Bad Omen status effect and utilize it to create an Illager raid in Minecraft by going to a town. If you are up for a challenge, you may do this while in Minecraft. Several waves of Illagers, Evokers, Witches, Vindicators, and Ravagers will emerge as a result, and they will start attacking the player and any villagers nearby.

As a result of the Hero of the Village status effect, if you wipe out all of the raid waves, you will get a brief reduction on the emerald cost of purchasing products from villagers. In addition, if you defeat these foes, you will be rewarded with emeralds, saddles, and a large number of other stuff that are difficult to obtain.

In Minecraft, locating a town is half the fight, but if you arrive at a haven of delights, a welcome from the local people, and unique presents from the locals, it will all feel like it was worth it. Remember to treat the villagers with respect if you encounter an iron golem wandering about; iron golems do not accept the idea that their villages are being harmed, even if it is done accidentally.

And suppose you find that the villager homes aren’t exactly to your liking. In that case, you may construct your own Minecraft house in the neighbourhood, or you may even go for one of the more outstanding Minecraft structures listed on our list of inspirations.

Can you make your own village Minecraft?

In addition, if you are in a snowy biome and have not yet discovered a community, you may establish your own by locating an igloo with a basement. This is a dependable strategy When selecting your very own community in a snowy biome.

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